California has mandated that all communities must build more housing. A community like Moraga has many specific challenges and risks that would complicate evacuation efforts in an emergency - we are far from the freeway, with limited 2-lane roads out of town, adjacent to the redwood forests of Canyon, and with many neighborhoods located in high fire hazard zones (has your property insurance been cancelled?). Decisions Town leaders make about where to increase population density in Moraga may set a dangerous precedent for future development and could have permanent, life or death consequences.

What We Want - Careful Analysis

We do not oppose development. We demand that Town leaders carefully assess increased wildfire evacuation risks posed by new development by conducting rigorous, site-specific Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), updated evacuation analysis and modeling, and traffic impact studies before approving any new projects. Further, we demand Town leaders require developers to comply with all State and local laws concerning building affordable housing, which is driving the State’s housing mandate. Green-lighting luxury high-rises WILL NOT help Moraga meet its affordable housing allocation (RHNA).

Success in Neighboring Towns

Despite the State housing mandate, we DO NOT need to accept unrestrained development in our Town as an inevitability. In 2024, Contra Costa Superior Court ruled in favor of the Orindans for Safe Emergency Evacuation (OSEE), requiring the Town of Orinda to decertify its Plan Orinda Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for failing to adequately address wildfire evacuation and emergency response. Orinda must now revise its EIR and Housing Element.

Appeal of School Street High-Rise

The Moraga Planning Commission has approved a 4-story, 49-foot tall, 66-unit luxury apartment building at 1600 School Street – the first of many large-scale development projects being planned for the Moraga Center area, which is located a full 5 miles from the Orinda Highway 24 on-ramp. From an evacuation planning perspective, it seems irresponsible to increase population density in this part of Moraga. Moraga Residents have appealed the approval of the 1600 School Street Project to the Moraga Town Council. The appeal will be heard on January 15, 2025 at 5:30 pm in Council Chambers - 335 Rheem Blvd in Moraga. Please mark your calendar and attend the hearing!

How You Can Help

Our group holds weekly Zoom meetings on Sundays at 5:00 pm. We are seeking volunteers to assist with neighborhood canvassing, media outreach, social media campaigns, fundraising, writing letters to the Town Council, and attending meetings of the Planning Commission and Town Council.